Please let me buy her for Christmas 2019 limited dolls sale, makeup human B normal skin :''-( pleaseee
Stella is amazing can't wait for grace to arrive. Fantastic work that has exceeded my expectations. I will definitely order other dolls. The outfits and the sheer attention to detail is very very good. Keep up the good work.
these new pictures of Stella made me appreciate the sculpt more. I really like her with faceup A :)
Well, you've managed to create another super gorgeous female! It is obvious why she is the "most beautiful in the kingdom."
Can Stella wear her wings with Outfit A?
Stella will always be one of your greatest sculpts. Your Vampire Stella is very convincing and alluring. For some of us who already have Stella, it would be a redundancy or a duplicate. We would wish to be allowed to purchase either the fantasy head to go with the Stella we already have or be permitted to purchase a substitute human SID female head along with the Fantasy Vampire Stella Head. We would also like to be able to purchase separately the beautiful dresses and outfits or our previously purchased Stella. Both the doll versions and the outfits are beautiful. It is a matter of choosing to purchase a duplicate human Stella if we already have a human Stella. Would you be able to offer another sculpt for the human Stella such as a Human Doria head?
Gorgeous Stella! You've created another fabulous addition to the Addiction series and I love the storyline!! Now I'm wondering who is Grace!
The only thing I wish is that we could purchase Stella's outfit separate from the doll. It's really beautiful and I'd be happy to pay MORE for just the outfit separate from the doll.
Stella reste un moule d'une grande beauté, c'est une pure merveille a la regarder très bien faite, magnifique traits de visage.
Très belle jeune fille bien réaliste, et est aussi jolie en couleur Réelle quand peau bronzé même le ton gris lui vas bien.
Elle ressemble beaucoup a Violet ont dirait deux soeurs jumelles sauf qu'une est de petite taille.
La robe est encore très travailler et très classe bien dans le thème fantastique, j'ai un faible pour Stella normale avant la transformation.