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Notice on illegal recast dolls.
Written by en_manager Search 84,555 Date 2014-03-28 15:56

Hello, this is Iplehouse.

We would like to announce you about illegal recast doll companies.

We are composed of small group of artists.
To make products what customers want, and develop products,
we are always doing our best to listen carefully about your opinion,
and all our items are made by our passion, and efforts.

Recently, there were many illegal sales on Taobao,Ebay,and Auction.
As BJD markets are very limited field, the side effect of illegal recast doll sales really hits original doll companies.

Since customers know what is going on now,
they are reporting many illegal sites to us, and that is really helpful.
Thanks to those help, we finally got our copy right, and we have right to protect our dolls.

We are not going to allow any illegal acts, and are going to be really strict about this.
We are not only planning to sue people who help those illegal companies, and illegal recasters,
but also block any illegal sales on Taobao, Ebay, and Auction.

We are already collecting some proofs from KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency),
and preparing reports for a law firm based on those proofs.

We are going to fight with those illegal companies,
and not going to allow them to sell illegal products.

We really thank you for supporting us.
We are always going to try hard to become better Iplehouse.

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