Hello, this is Iplehouse.
Today we have one bad news for you. From September 1st, EID size make up price will be increased.
Until now we have offered EID make up in same price as SID and YID size even though there is a considerable size difference. And this has caused some delay in makeup process since it will take longer time to put make up on a bigger head. For instance, it takes same time to put a beard in EID man and put all the make up on BID. So unfortunately we decided to increase makeup price for EID size. Please refer to below for more information.
Make up for basic EID man: $60 USD -> $70 USD (from Sep. 1st)
Custom make up for EID man: $85 USD -> $95 USD (from Aug. 28th)
Beard: $15 USD -> $25 USD (from Aug. 28th)
Thank you for your time.