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ГЛАВНАЯ < IPLE общение < IPLE TALK POLL < Do you want a 3rd body-glamourous type- for FID woman?


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Do you want a 3rd body-glamourous type- for FID woman?
Имя admin Запрос 3148 Дата публикации 2018-08-30
Hello. Iplehouse here.

Several customers told us that they want a 3rd body for FID woman with the same proportion as nYID girl.
Accordingly, we are having a poll to find out how many customers want it and we hope many of you will participate in.
To develop new products, we need staff, fund, and time.
Now, Iplehouse is suffering from illegal replica.
Because of it, we are having difficulties in product development and we need your support to better the situation.
I hope you understand that we cannot meet your many requests straight away, and please help us to pluck up.

Thank you.
  • nYID girl Type

  • EID -Woman Type

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