Hello, this is Iplehouse.
Since alot of customers asked for longer period for discontinued character, we decided to offer longer layaway period.
1. Longer layaway period
We decided to offer 3 months layaway for orders more than $1,000 USD.
You can divide payment into 4 times within 3 months and please send more than 25% as a down payment.
Choose Paypal as payment method and leave a message on Q&A board and we will divide your payment into 4 times.
This case make sure to cancel recurring payment on Paypal site. (PROFILE->MY MONEY)
2. From White to Light Brown skin
We will offer Light Brown skin for all discontinued dolls on basic section so you can order out beautiful LB skin more easily.
3. No refund for 3 months layaway orders
All Iplehouse dolls are customized dolls made for just one person.
So if you cancel the doll, it is very hard to sell it to anyone else.
This is why we have to charge canceling fee depending on manufacturing stage.
In case of 3 months layaway orders, we have to take extra care to store the dolls for months.
It takes time and cost and it is almost impossible to find someone who will want exact same doll.
So if you cancel the doll during layaway, we won't refund any payments you have already sent.
4. Only order the doll for longer layaway
If you want to divide your payment into more than 3 times (2 months), only order the doll without any items.
In case of other items like clothes, shoes and wigs, they are already made items.
If you order a doll and divide payment into longer that 2 months, it is hard to manage inventory.
Stock is managed by a program, but mistakes and errors can occur.
So if you are going to use layaway for more than 2 months, please order other items when you send last payment to us.
Before sending us last payment, order all other items in separate order and leave a message on Q&A board.
And we will combine two orders and inform adjusted shipping fee so you don't have to pay shipping fee twice.
This way you can also order other items with the doll and it is easier for us to manage stocks.
Thank you for your time and leave a message on Q&A board if you have any other questions.