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ГЛАВНАЯ < Поддержка < Notice < Russian site opens on April 27th!


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Russian site opens on April 27th!
Автор en_manager Запрос 7,683 Дата публикации 2015-04-20 17:07
Hello, this is Iplehouse.

Today we want to accnounce Russian site opening.
Since there was a difficulty in using English site, we have prepared a Russian site to offer better service.

Grand open is April 27th but we will open a beta version on April 23rd.
There can be some program errors or mistranslation.
If you find one, please leave a message on Q&A board so we can fix it right away.

If you are new to our site, you can register from April 23rd.
If you already registered on English site, we will transfer your information on April 27th so you don't have to register again.
Order history, points and all other information will be transfered to Russian site automatically so please do not register again.

Also if you have a ongoing order in English site, you can also check it on Russian site.
In case of points for ongoing order, it will be transfered to Russian site after three months so you don't have to worry about it.

If you have any other question, please leave a message on Q&A board.

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